일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
- dutch roll
- 13년도 공단 기출문제 변형
- 프로펠러
- sideslip
- Lead Radial
- lateral stability
- ICAO Annex 14
- 유해항력
- directional stability
- Propeller
- 항공안전법
- dihedral effect
- load factor
- 2007년 제3차 운송용조종사 변형
- 2007년 제4차 자가용조종사 변형
- Turn radius
- Best Glide Speed
- Today
- Total
비행사의 다이어리
2021 최신 ICAO Annex(부속서) 원문 자료 본문
시카고 조약으로도 알려진 국제민간항공협약과 연계되는 국제민간항공의 기본표준 및 권고사항 (SARPs: Standard And Recommended Practices)을 포함하는 19개의 부속서(Annex) 원문 자료들 입니다. (SARPs, PANS 용어 참고: 항행분야 국제업무 처리지침 용어의 정의)
참고로 아래에 올려놓은 원문 자료들은 '샘플 참고용'으로 저작권 제한으로 인해 인쇄가 불가능 하며 내용복사도 되지 않습니다. 파일 복사 및 저장은 가능하나 오직 읽기만 가능한 파일들 입니다. 또한 내용의 정확성 또한 완전하게 보장하지 않습니다. 완전한 파일 및 책자는 ICAO 웹 사이트에 가셔서 서비스를 구매하셔야 합니다.
원문 바로가기 목차
부속서1: 항공종사자 자격증명(Personnel Licensing)
부속서3: 국제항공항행기상업무(Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation)
부속서4: 항공지도(Aeronautical Charts)
부속서5: 공중 및 지상운영에 사용되는 측정단위(Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations)
부속서6: 항공기 운항(Operation of Aircraft)
부속서7: 항공기 국적 및 등록기호(Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks)
부속서8: 항공기 감항성(Airworthiness of Aircraft)
부속서10: 항공통신(Aeronautical Telecommunications)
부속서11: 항공교통업무(Air Traffic Services)
부속서12: 수색 및 구조업무(Search and Rescue)
부속서13: 항공기 사고조사(Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation)
부속서15: 항공정보업무(Aeronautical Information Services)
부속서16: 환경보호(Environmental Protection)
부속서18: 위험물 안전수송(The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air)
부속서19: 안전관리(Safety Management)
Annex 1: Personnel Licensing[목차]
(PDF, 3 MB)12th edition - Amendment 176
Annex 2: Rules of the Air[목차]
(PDF, 1 MB)10th edition - Amendment 46
Annex 3: Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation[목차]
(PDF, 5 MB)Twentieth Edition - Amendment 79
Annex 4: Aeronautical Charts[목차]
(PDF, 4 MB)Eleventh Editon - Amendment 61
Annex 5: Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations[목차]
(PDF, 288 kB)Fifth edition - Amendment 17
Annex 6: Operation of Aircraft[목차]
▶ Part I - International Commercial Air Transport - Aeroplanes
(PDF, 1 MB)Eleventh edition - Amendment 44
▶ Part II — International General Aviation - Aeroplanes
(PDF, 906 kB)Tenth Edition - Amendment 37
▶ Part III - International Operations - Helicopters
(PDF, 2 MB)Ninth Edition - Amendment 23
Annex 7: Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks[목차]
(PDF, 426 kB)6th edition - Amendment 6
Annex 8: Airworthiness of Aircraft[목차]
(PDF, 3 MB)Twelfth edition - Amendment 106
Annex 9: Facilitation[목차]
(PDF, 1 MB)Fifteenth edition - Amendment 27
Annex 10: Aeronautical Telecommunications[목차]
▶ Volume I - Radio Navigation Aids
(PDF, 11 MB)Seventh edition - Amendment 92
▶ Volume II - Communication Procedures including those with PANS Status
(PDF, 3 MB)Seventh Edition - Amendment 92
▶ Volume III - Communications Systems
(PDF, 1 MB)Second edition - Amendment 90
▶ Volume IV - Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems
(PDF, 1 MB)Fifth edition - Amendment 90
▶ Volume V - Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization
(PDF, 227 kB)Third edition - Amendment 89
Annex 11: Air Traffic Services[목차]
(PDF, 653 kB)Fifteenth Edition - Amendment 52
Annex 12: Search and Rescue[목차]
(PDF, 280 kB)Eighth edition - Amendment 18
Annex 13: Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation[목차]
(PDF, 768 kB)Eleventh Edition - Amendment 18
Annex 14: Aerodromes[목차]
▶ Volume I - Aerodrome Design and Operations
(PDF, 5 MB)Eighth edition - Amendment 16
▶ Volume II - Heliports
(PDF, 4 MB)Fifth edition - Amendment 9
▶ 부속서 14 관련 매뉴얼
- Airport Services Manual (ASM)
- Airport Planning Manual (APM)
- Certification of Aerodromes (COFA)
- Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)
- ICAO Circulars (CIR) 및 기타 매뉴얼
Annex 15: Aeronautical Information Services[목차]
(PDF, 2 MB)Sixteenth Edition - Amendment 41
▶ ICAO Doc 8126: Aeronautical Information Services Manual
(PDF, 26 MB)Sixth Edition - Amendment 2
Annex 16: Environmental Protection[목차]
▶ Volume I - Aircraft Noise
(PDF, 6 MB)Eighth edition - Amendment 13
▶ Volume II - Aircraft Engine Emissions
(PDF, 5 MB)Fourth edition - Amendment 10
▶ Volume III – Aeroplane CO2 Emissions
(PDF, 2 MB)First Edition
▶ Volume IV – CORSIA
(PDF, 4 MB)First Edition
Annex 17: Security[목차]
(PDF, 4 MB)Tenth edition - Amendment 17
Annex 18: The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air[목차]
(PDF, 346 kB)Fourth edition - Amendment 12
Annex 19: Safety Management[목차]
(PDF, 2 MB)Second Edition - Amendment 1
'참고 문헌 자료' 카테고리의 다른 글
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) (2) | 2021.05.20 |
Certification of Aerodromes (COFA) (0) | 2021.05.20 |
Airport Planning Manual (APM) (0) | 2021.05.20 |
Airport Design Manual (ADM) (0) | 2021.05.19 |
Airport Services Manual (ASM) (0) | 2021.05.19 |